Kyosho MINI-Z 2WD MR-04 原裝及改裝零件

Mini-Z MR-04 New & Option Parts

Kyosho 最近在其創造的微型遙控汽車中發布了一款近乎全新的底盤 MR-04,上一代 Kyosho MR-03 底盤在過去的二十五年裡一直佔據著主導地位。新款 Kyosho MR-04 因其更高水平的性能而受到高度讚揚,但 Kyosho Mini-Z 設計大師明確表示,他們不會就面停止進步,所以一系列的 Mini-Z MR-04 相關配件、改裝零件也會接著推出市場。

Kyosho has recently released a nearly new chassis in the micro class of RC cars that it created, no less dominated it for two and a half decades. The new MR-04 is getting high praise for its next-level performance, but the Mini-Z design gurus are making it clear that they’re not sitting on their hands as there are a number of accessories that are directly following up the most significant announcements in the Mini-Z world.

The new Kyosho MR-04 stands head and shoulders above the competition, not only in performance but also in uncompromising scale. Let’s face it, nobody ever entered the RC hobby because featureless, unidentifiable bodies are the face of the many mutant RC cars that dot the RC landscape. You’ll find the newest and most dynamic bodies created by Kyosho, mounted atop the MR-04 chassis, set the standard for precision and uncompromising scale. It’s the virtual double threat. The cars not only look incredible, they leave the competition in the dust

Front Spring Set MZW701

This Front Spring Set features FIVE color-coded springs, each of which are well-known the to the performance enthusiasts who widely used similar springs in previous generation Mini-Z cars. Each set of springs features different wire to form the coil springs, and varying numbers of coils also have a profound effect on the springs

Camber Knuckle Set MZW702

Three different steering knuckles are available to offer racers with options for 1, 2, or 3 degrees of caster. This setting makes the MR-04 run with more stability on the straight-away and can also create more aggressive steering, as long as you don’t go for too much caster angle.

Caster Setting Upper Arms MZW703/ MZW703H

There are two versions of the upper A-arms – there are those made from similar material as the rest of the chassis, and then there’s an “H” version for the upper arms. These arms are harder for running in warmer weather where they might otherwise flex too much

Setting Tie Rod Set MZW704

Apart from the standard Steering Tie Rod, which presumably has the “zero toe angle” setting covered, Kyosho also offers Steering Tie Rods for wide and narrow set-ups, each with plus and minus 1- and 2-degree settings, giving you five different options for steering toe angle.

Ball Differential Set MZW705

Ball differentials have been a staple of RC racing for decades. It replaces the standard gear-type differential with a more precision differential that include hard steel “bearings” that are installed inside the spur gear. When driven at high speeds through a corner, a gear diff tends to lose drive to the inside wheel. This ball differential limits the amount of differential action, and allows to car to accelerate harder through high-speed turns.

Aluminum Upper Arm Brace – MZW706N

The Aluminum Upper Brace, available in wide and narrow configurations, is a much stronger mount for the upper suspension arms. These aluminum mounts are replacements for the molded mounts and there will be less flex and a stronger, more predictable mount to keep your caster angle from flexing. This is idea for modified and brushless cars that benefit from these more solid mounts.

Aluminum Upper Arm Brace – MZW706W

The Aluminum Upper Brace, available in wide and narrow configurations, is a much stronger mount for the upper suspension arms. These aluminum mounts are replacements for the molded mounts and there will be less flex and a stronger, more predictable mount to keep your caster angle from flexing. This is idea for modified and brushless cars that benefit from these more solid mounts.

Aluminum Oil Damper Mount – MZW708

The Aluminum Oil Damper Mount provides a solid base for mounting an optional oil shock, which in turn makes the damping more precise. The shock is properly mounted direct in the center of the of the chassis, and there’s also a hook, through which the wiring for the motor is secured.

The shock is properly mounted direct in the center of the of the chassis, and there’s also a hook, through which the wiring for the motor is secured.

Friction Damper Set – MZW709

360-degree damping is the best way to describe the benefit of the friction damper, and variations of this design have been widespread in the on-road racing community.

Visible in the installation photo, the friction damper applies an extra level of damping in any direction. It’s a very dynamic suspension modification that’s sure to deliver great results with the proper tuning.

Aluminum Steering Blocks - MZW710-XX

Taking another step beyond the molded steering blocks, the aluminum steering blocks offer additional camber settings and a higher degree of durability. The suffix for the camber angle is the last two digits, which are available in 0, 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 degrees.

關於 Kyosho MINI-Z 2WD MR-04 

Kyosho京商新一代蚊車MINI-Z 2WD MR-04。新一代Kyosho京商迷你遙控車(蚊車) MR-04 首次曝光!  MR-03 在經歷了14個年頭後,終於迎來了接班人。相信 MR-04 將於本月底開幕的 2023 全日本模型展亮相,預計2023年11月底正式上市發售

動力來源: 配備了一個微型感應式無刷動力,為車輛提供動力。有感馬達以其精確且平滑的動力輸出而聞名,適用於細微的油門控制。
EVO2 主控系統: 該車配備了新的 EVO2 主控系統,這表明它具有升級的電子控制系統。這個新系統可能有助於改善性能和控制。
低延遲控制: 低延遲意味著您的輸入(如轉向或油門控制)和車輛的反應之間幾乎沒有延遲。這導致了更靈敏和精確的駕駛體驗。
升級: 歷經 14 個年頭的 MR-03,期間不斷的演變進化下,MR-04 將會是完全進化的全新機種。


• 紅色 (8500KV)

• 藍色 (5600KV)

• 綠色 (4100KV)


不言而喻,14 年來首次全改款的 MR-04EVO2 不僅提高了比賽競爭力,樂趣也更加豐富。




保留了 MR-03 的優秀佈局,但透過採用帶感測器的無刷摩打,改變前懸掛和降低電池重心,顯著提升性能。還能自由改變成不同胎面和軸距!






減少驅動損失的所有 7 個滾珠啤呤均為內徑 3mm 的低旋轉阻力類型。

可選零件-前彈簧組 (MR-04)即將推出!
調整前懸吊側傾量的彈簧組。包含 5 種具有不同彈簧剛度(硬度)的類型。


更改了主銷相對於車輪的偏移量。它的一側比 MR-03 短 1.5mm,提高了對駕駛員操作的反應能力並抑制轉彎時軸距的變化。

新摩打座 & 油壓底板

摩打座也經過全新設計,採用有感無刷摩打。透過更換車軸調節墊片,可以對車輛高度進行 3 級調節,包括標準位置,從而可以進行多種設定以適應路況。


新型 MM & MM2 摩打外殼

MM 摩打外殼,重心比以前更低。

而 MM2 摩打外殼則具有 L 軸距和中置摩打座。



IC 標籤安裝高度-IC 標籤貼上部分

底盤底部用於單圈時間測量的 IC 標籤(單獨出售)安裝點距離底部有 0.5mm 的台階,以確保安裝 IC 標籤時的最小離地間隙。允許更進取的車輛高度設定。



• W-MM/8500KV
• W-MM/5600KV
• N-MM2/4100KV

帶有新感測器的無刷摩打 & 主要單元


W-MM 底盤配備轉速 8500KV 或 5600KV 型,N-MM2 配備 4100KV 型。

• XSPEED 85 (8500KV)
• XSPEED 56 (5600KV)
• XSPEED 41 (4100KV)

高速通信 & 新型電位器

新裝置還支援與各製造商製造的高端發射器進行高速通信,以實現前所未有的響應性能,同時與各公司的接收裝置相容。使用KO單元(ADV模式)時可實現0.99m/s的高速通信,使用Futaba單元(EVO2模式)時可實現0.9m/s的高速通信。 *以往為 2.6m/s~3.0m/sLR03 AAA MA

採用了具有出色精度和耐用性的新型電位器,並且完全重新設計了轉向程序,獲得史上最佳響應和準確性。更精確的轉向控製程式允許使用 MR-04 專用的 I.C.S. 軟體進行各種設定。此外,使用 KO 裝置時,可以使用雙向通訊模式(TLMY 模式)從發射器變更 I.C.S. 系統的各種設定。

全新 Min-Z MR-04 發射器 Partner

MINI-Z MR-04 可與下列製造商的高型號發射器搭配使用。請使用與各公司相容的接收裝置。


I.C.S. USB轉接器
• 使用 I.C.S 設定管理器設定,MR-04EVO2 機箱組時需要一組 USB 轉接器 HS 和電纜。 (編號82083)

• 陀螺儀單元組可以感知您姿勢的任何干擾,並自動修正轉向和油門以支持穩定駕駛。 (編號:MZW405)



Kyosho Mini-Z 遙控車

Kyosho 遙控車京商

Kyosho 遙控車零件

